Monday, May 14, 2012

first step advice

A few things i learned in the first two months.

1. When changing your diet, do NOT cut out things you love. For me, chocolate is something i just don't see myself ever doing without. So instead of cutting it out, i changed to 70% cocoa. It kept the chocolate i loved and helped me cut down on how much i was having. I also saved it for special times.

2. Don't try to change your diet to something radically different from what you already have. choose to cut out some things, but try to replace the things you've cut out with a healthier alternative. If you love fruit juice, start juicing your own fruit. The amount of extra work it takes to get a little juice will help you appreciate and limit your intake.

3. Increase your vegetable count. If you feel like you can't eat that many veg, juice them. There are lots of great juicing recipes online. experiment and keep the amount of vegetables you're ingesting to the highest amount you can.

4. Add fresh herbs to as many dishes as possible. I like parsley because i feel really good afterwards. I've heard it has a detoxifying affect on the body. About 1/2 a cup in a dish seems to really do wonders for me physically and mentally.

5. Speaking of detoxifying the body, add Chia seeds to everything. If you have hot cereal, add a table spoon to your bowl. If you have a cup of tea, add a teaspoon. This stuff is fantastic for helping you get read of fat soluble toxins. If your body can't expel a toxin, it covers it in fat to protect you from it's affects. you can get rid of these toxins by helping them bond to something that your body will expel. Chia seeds will bond to them and exit them out your body safely.

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